
Brand Identity

Art Direction

Re-inventing a new use for an existing space in South Yarra Melbourne

This project required re-inventing a new use for an existing space. An identity was created for Evohlv, a hypothetical open air room located in South Yarra, Melbourne. The new space seeks to improve the overall community and positive quality of life for all by acting as a lung for the city.

Evohlv is a place created that will exercise the mind in a positive way that fuels a love for living in the moment and an enthusiasm for literature and learning. Evohlv seeks to connect various people together, creating social synergy, and encourages the exploration of different thoughts, perspectives and attitudes.

An open space in South Yarra to promote inclusion and foster creativity and ideas

The foundation for this activation idea has been heavily derived from research of the suburb specifically, and the development of this project hopes to strengthen, build and maintain a sense of community within South Yarra. The aim of ‘Evohlv: Growth Space’ is to build on the missing homely factor of the suburb, to make it feel welcoming for others to comfortably spend time in.


New Ways of Learning


Open Banking App